Tuesday, February 26, 2013

[Release] MySQL Data Runner

  • Auto-Fill for some queries in case your knowledge of MySQL is iffy
  • Command line interface
  • Six Commands
  • Importing .SQL files works
  • Faster for small data interactions
  • Less of a pain than MySQL WorkBench
  • Open source
Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?9p4rep98danc3ea

Note: May be less successful in running large scripts.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Quick MySQL runner

I've been working on a custom MySQL Query runner to replace the bloated MySQL 5.2 workbench using the java to MySQL API.

The idea is that instead of having to open up a huge memory sucking program to run a few lines of SQL, you can just open up this bad boy and run your code.

Here's a few screens. Not sure about release time. Lemme know if you're interested.

Planned features:

  • Open/Run SQL scripts saved on your computer
  • Run custom SQL script straight from the program
  • Easy command line based interface
  • Doesn't let you past first screen if it can't connect to DB

Sunday, February 24, 2013

XsPro V83 is BACK!

I've gotten quite a few messages regarding my V83 Maplestory Repack, 'XsPro', and wondering whether it would ever be available again. Now I can proudly say that it will be back. It's going to take a while to get all of the features of the old pack back, but I've already been working on it for a little while, and its going well.

Here's a screenshot preview and my update log so far. :)

  • Started with clean MoopleDev rev. 118
  • Removed all .SVN folders
  • Renamed everything
  • CreateServer.bat and LaunchServer.bat now read serverName off of serverConstants.java
  • Moople police --> Maple Police
  • Added doReborn() and dropServerMessage() in MapleCharacter
  • Added some more customization availiable in ServerConstants
  • Changed dropMessage to blue O_O
  • Removed GMchat being in gmcommands 2x
  • !exprate - now an admin command
  • Added dropoverhead method 
Stay tuned for more info!