Rev 0.1
Basic layout
Menu items added
Added AI mode
Fixed bugs with AI
Rev 0.2
Added new settings
You no longer have to recompile with new info every time you move the project
New menu organization
Setup for custom image importing
No longer re-sizable
Switched grid format to free design
Toggle AI now a menu item and not a menu
Now I know I didn't make it seem like this was a project I'm going to be continuing, however I've had a recent change of heart after a classmate offered some creative input.
Here's a preview of Tic-Tac-Toe Revision 2.0
Features in Rev 2:
- New menu and settings
- Fixed AI bugs
- More advanced AI,
- Custom image use available
- Cleaner code
I'll probably finish up with this either this week or next.
- Redeemer34